Writing Index
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1: UNGRAVED Undredged Decyphered Hospitalised Salvated Desisted DementedUnleashed
2: ANTHROPOMORPHIC Anthropopathic Civilisation Empathisation Sophistication Libertas Combative Emphaticisation Communication Familiarisation Castitas Clemency Caritas Damnation Anthropophagic
3: LETTER TO THE CHURCH (HEAD) Letter to the Church (Head) Postscript
4: FABLES I The Two Brothers of Theum The Tattler The Witch of the Western Winds The One Who All Rejected The Abbot of Chedar
5: FABLES II The Testimony of Abishah Mechis The Testimony of Hegath Kulitti The Testimony of the Theatre of Delights The Testimony of Kalitar Vesh The Testimony of Edelea Kirivitti
6: LETTER TO THE CHURCH (BODY) Letter to the Church (Body) Postscript


p.s. hey brother tax: thought you’d get a kick: the consistory bickered for months sending this!!!
-bishop d.

To Be Continued...