Letter to the Church (Body)
To one most dearly beloved in the faith, TAX COLLECTOR MEPHI OMEJ TEL-SHARVARA.
From you the radiant virtue deluges like rainfall upon the desert, that feeds the herds of wandering cattle and grows the wild figs. With your birth was a blessing bestowed on the world, destined to wither and parch if not for your devotion, by which it has instead blossomed to perfect beauty in Godly arete. Candescently pure is its ardour; manifest in exemplary deeds of unblemished service in the FOURTH anointed field of ANNIHILATION.
Thus by the overflowing of good you have proffered to this world have you brought tears of joy to the eyes of Czjeir. We of the Church state as His Tongue, you are a BROTHER singularly fit to attend a convocation of the Divine Presence, for the HOLIEST SEVENTH ANOINTING AND ORDINATION TO THE CRUCIBLE OF PONTIFEX of ARCHBISHOP ATTARAN YVJARRAR HESH.
Signs of wonder effloresce abundantly around this great minister, that are tried of unfailing integrity, and are attested of many witnesses:
- The cessation of the sandstorm Vitega, which had been forethought to ruin the wheat yield of Kardesh and destroy every settlement across the band of Kawat to Yeshimar.
- The watering of the well of Urivhat, an eastern preheretical city where no tributary of the Katani does run. We so are reconnected to the legends of our past and the foot-tracks of Czjeir’s real presence. The water is perfect to drink.
- The replenishment of the argan orchards of Vhular. Dying to a nefarious rot, we had feared the extinction of this valuable and delectable gift of our country, that defines so much of our culinary heritage.
- The dispelling of lice from the city of Itjyi, and quelling of its snowypox outbreak.
- The dispelling of locusts from Amsherrat, and transformation of the beasts into pigeons.
- The purification of a soiled statue of our mother Kitthaya, desecrated in the Heresies.
- The overnight restoration of several buildings in the band of Tukal.
- The erection of a fully-formed church upon an empty lot in Masjcar, complete with decorated windows, from a mound of raw materials.
- The effortless extermination of five ghouls through means of miraculous force. May their souls be at peace in the dreams of our Maker.
- The inception of a new type of seed that produces a fertile new kind of fruit: the cushberry.
- The inception of the consequent cushberry oil, good for cooking, beauty, and health.
Of virtue, the master Attaran is blessed, cultivated, and matured in the fields of:
Mercy, Patience, Diligence, Passion, Impassion, Kindheartedness, Chastity, Clarity, Mystery, Puissance, Ferocity & Zest.In sublimation, through the bridge of Attaran, Czjeir has unveiled the words of a mystery:
inevitably, reached this end anywayWe of the Readers meditate daily on these thoughts.
To celebrate the most holy accession, and the blossoming of Czjeir’s heart within the chest of an ugly and fallible worm deemed as ‘man’; the miracle that every son or daughter of Kittja shall, within their generation, only once ever behold, a processional cavalcade shall embark to accompany Attaran, the Most Beloved, along his final pilgrimage up the bank of the Katani. All are invited to follow his footsteps as he passes through the towns. Please regard the anticipated dates of his journey below.
5th – departure from Himaphar, Jima.
6th – arrival in Tukal, Jima.
13th – arrival in Amaphar, Hashiphut.
16th – arrival in Kossot, Ruajem.
24th – arrival in Amsherrat, Amsherrat.
25th – commencement of the Ordination, to be held in the Grand Temple of Amsherrat.
May the blessed one who holds this letter extend the blessing sevenfold, and, in the spirit of Generosity, to the whole delight of Czjeir, bring alongside yourself to the convocation at most TWENTY suitable companions to behold and awe in the divine presence. Though all are welcome in the interests of Charity, the Chancellery meekly requests that the blessed one exercises preference to those persons of such manners that they shall willingly exit themselves from the assembly, of such consecration that they shall not need their vision restored, or of such lowliness that their presence cultivates the great arete, upon the pouring of the golden oil. The first act of Archbishop Attaran as Pontifex shall be, as is customary, to restore the sight of those who fell blind regardless.
Praise and glory ever to Czjeir. Let you as a dutiful servant spread your soul across the wastes as a wildflower. Let the Archbishop Attaran shatter the high dome of Heaven and stand open before us as its Gate. Let every small child of Kittja walk through Him into Paradise.
RSVP to your nearest Abbot.
Praise be, praise be, praise be to His miracles.
Though we journey as dust in time moved by eras, and play upon the stage of the theatre of the flesh, we shall all know each other in Heaven again, this time, in truth and in essence. Let our fellowship never be forgotten, friendships never broken, and rivalries purified into chaste playmates.
Bring much solemnity, but further much joy, as the old passes away, and the new is established.
Blessings ever be upon you and upon your heart, that it may warm and wake the heart of Czjeir,
A missive from the Divine Consistory of Amsherrat.