raum whitewood


You can't do much about where you're born or what ratbags you're born to. Fortunate chap ain't gotta worry about that, but if y'ain't so lucky, ehhh, you're probably gonna have a few issues. Not much you can do but get outta there and try flipping your heart 'round from generations of bullshit, clean out the gunk what's been spewed inside it, try makin' it well as you can in some place where bein' radically irenic ain't a namby-pamby joke...

All easy said on the face of it. 'Cause if you do got the heart to wanna stop all that junk, chances are you still love the damn people, and breaking it off... 's gonna hit roadbumps. Hell, you'll stop the damn car. Suppose you got solved the answer to ditchin' the pit, leavin' others to dry 'slike leavin' them strung up over hellfire.

So's the experience for Raum Whitewood, son of a rich, ruthless gang boss, raised in a violent ghetto. Compassionate and selfless, his attempts to ease the corruption around him never amounted to much, because mostly the place only functioned by the flowing pockets of fat politicians who loved the city's market for thugs, drugs, and rape. ...A market his mother started, and gleefully ran, and that his twin sister was set up to inherit.

Raum left the country soon as he could and abroad cozied quick to his own politicians, who actually liked all his 'peace' talk. Sure he got tangled up in some things, royal conspiracies, unkillable gods, freaky soul magic, but it's better than going back home. Yeah? Problem. Sis wasn't so keen.

Whole thing got Raum dead, 'cept God chose now was a good time to wake up, bein' all 'ooo I'm so gracious' n' 'oh I love ya little guy, I'll give you all that you want', decided to make Raum an Archon. Hey, cool. It's more bullshit.

Well, if he's gonna be kicking it into his whatever-centennials, and babysitting the King's immortal little bro, does give him chance to figure out how this all works...

And break it. Least he can do.

Yup. I ain't anybody t'worry 'bout at all.



Much of a person’s life is already dictated, with natural unfairness, by where and to whom they were born. When the lot cast upon a child is one of mistreatment, that realisation makes for a dreary one. If I were myself, but born in fairer lands, could I have done more? If I were myself, but properly raised, would I be healthy now? Even should opportunity batter such a person with exit ramps off the paths of their parents, or hard work forge for them the same, the ties of kinship and habits of upbringing rarely fade completely.

For Jacklyn Blackthorne, unwilling heir to the bloodiest underworld in Ordanz, these were uncomfortable thoughts.

Consider first his country, the cruel nation of Ordanz. A land smothered by uninhabitable tundra but for its northernmost reaches, none but the richest have the luxury of knowing whether a single morsel will today cross their plate. Poverty is the lot for the hundreds of millions of people who inhabit the country’s subterranean tunnel-systems and vault-chambers, with most fated to labour in inhumane conditions as miners or factory-men. After paying tithes for rent, heating, air, food, and water from the scant pennies of their paycheck, and saving fastidiously for a month, a truly lucky duck might purchase such an extravagant treat as an egg. Else the typical life is that of a slave, indentured and beaten, then worked and replaced.

Consider next Jacklyn’s father, the foreign exile Mason Whitewood. Kicked out of his homelands in the Kingdoms of Asphodel, without any assets to cushion his fall through the classes, he quickly became a thief, and then a slave, within a couple months of entering Ordanz. Being more savvy than the typical vault-dweller, though, and unaccustomed to the harsh demands or communal lifestyle imposed on Ordish slaves, rather than submit, he found ways to cheat other slaves out of benefits and into doing his work for him.

His overseers spotted his terrible work ethic and exploitation of other slaves. After running the numbers, they realised Mason’s presence harmed their operation’s profit margins. They ruled he would be more useful being slaughtered as food for the better slaves, but Mason learned of this plan and fled. However, between his distinctive foreign appearance and the bounty on his head, it would not be long before someone saw him and turned him in.

Now consider last Jacklyn’s mother, the matron Desiree Blackthorne. A former prostitute who appeared out of the tunnels into the unremarkable vault of East Welding, still under construction at that time as a residential zone for factory workers, she negotiated her way with sex, love, and blackmail into the meeting room of Seacrest Enterprises, the billion-dollar company that owned most of the underground. Allying with them as a supplier of exotic drugs, beautiful slaves, and information on enemy corporations, she was granted amnesty to operate out of East Welding and secure Seacrest more of her product, which she enthusiastically did.

She invested her massive profits right back into East Welding. By nurturing the city’s infrastructure, enticing aspiring merchants to establish themselves there, and hiring workers at unimaginably high wages, the city transformed into a rich and quite comfortable harbour among otherwise unremitting poverty. Though underscored with vicious crime as a side-effect of Desiree’s work, and moreso as a side-effect of her enforcers, the gang Black Thorns, punishing cheats and offing competitors, none could argue with the dollars. Daily murders, ruthless loan sharking, and rampant sex trafficking were simply what one accepted should one accept life in East Welding, and consequently life under Desiree.

She also had a fetish for handsome exotic men, meaning foreigners like Mason. She squirrelled him away from the authorities and into East Welding, where she took him as her concubine, landing him in a position barely any better than where he started. In exchange for more freedom, Mason offered her surprisingly in-depth knowledge on running high-scale criminal enterprise, the worth of which Desiree acknowledged. She begrudgingly agreed to keep Mason as a business partner on a leash, rather than a sex toy, and by their collaboration Black Thorns’ scope swelled immensely to secure it as a pillar of the Ordish underworld.

These are parents, the environment, and the circumstances into which Jacklyn and his elder twin sister, Jayden, were born.

Desiree and Mason were terrible parents. With Mason fundamentally uninterested in rearing kids, and Desiree too careless to do so herself, the twins were handed off to Desiree’s friends in the Thorns. But between frequent arrests and various internal dramas, they wound up being passed around many different homes and parental figures, while only seeing either one of their real parents maybe once every few months. Instead of any particular adult, they latched onto each other for security.

Being twins, they were compared to each other relentlessly. Jayden was loud, bold, tough, aggressive, and self-assured. She was the one people accepted and praised. Jacklyn was quiet, sweet, emotional, pacifistic, and easily coerced into bitchwork. He was the one people bullied and exploited.

Jacklyn envied Jayden, for how she stood up to adults and shooed scary strangers like gnats, but prided in her too. Jayden scorned Jacklyn, for sobbing constantly over everyday conflicts and letting himself be used, but babied him too. She was strong, he was weak. That was the fundamental takeaway, reinforced every time Jacklyn, unsure about exiting the house alone, or too scared to stay in the same room as their caregivers’ toked-up friends, or bawling into a pillow as furniture smashed downstairs, automatically turned towards Jayden for rescue.

Any prospect of Jacklyn growing to emulate her, though, was eliminated by age seven. That was when Jayden joined some uncles in a gang brawl gone wrong, where people died, uncles died, and Jayden, too, almost died, but survived with just a missing eye. More horrified over Jayden’s near-death incident than she even was herself, Jacklyn obeyed when Jayden forbid him from ever touching the dirty side of the Thorns. He was plainly too weak to make it. Rather, he should focus on his real wants and hobbies, while she took on the gang. Seeing her confidence as she proposed this, the terror she might die in the Thorns shifted into the realisation that she was, in fact, not like him, and thus, would be totally fine.

And indeed, as their teens came and went, Jayden came to thrive in East Welding. The money she made in contribution to the Thorns, administering its operations directly under Desiree, had already secured her in the local consciousness as the city’s next don, though nothing formalised that claim except the knowledge that any challengers to it would promptly find themselves in the obituaries. Her reputation was brutal, and fully deserved, as not a single threat, whether upon disobedient gangmates, loaners shirking their debt, or children of fee-dodging shopkeepers, had ever gone unfulfilled. Everyone knew her, and everyone feared her. In her mercenary way, she just seemed kind of invincible.

But Jacklyn saw the Thorns had changed her. Beneficiary as he was to her intimidating reputation, which in itself eliminated the harassment he had feared when he was young, to see her come home covered in blood again, or decorated with new scars, tired and curtly unwilling to talk, worried him. And though she would laugh or smile again when the topic shifted off of work, she had also become frankly mean. The way she regarded Jacklyn was no longer that he was weak, and thus needed help, but that he was weak, and thus helpless, and damn fucking lucky he had her.

Jacklyn agreed with that sentiment, truly, 100%. Jayden’s blood-money breadwinning enabled not just his comfortable lifestyle, of good food and good clothes and good fun and good everything, but the absolute freedom he had in East Welding. He could rely on her utterly. Anything he wanted was simply a matter of asking for it through her, and unless it was blatantly stupid, she would make it work. All he could or really had to do was house chores. The rest of his timetable was eternally open to just hang or go out or whatever. He could even meddle with the Thorns without consequence. Frankly, he was spoiled.

For it, he could feel himself stagnating. East Welding, with all its delights of gourmet restaurants and casinos and gamerooms and brothels, each seeping with a foundation of bloody rape and murder, strangled him like a cage many sizes too small. Everything he saw seemed somehow corrupt, but he could not think of any way to change it. Though sheltered and smiling under the wing of Jayden and Desiree, more and more, he began to feel sick.

He didn’t belong here.

Or so he would think, but then Jayden would flop to the couch exhausted and lob her coat into the hamper like garbage, and Jacklyn would know his place was beside her.

Or so he would think, but then Desiree would summon him again to her tower, and—and, well.

She never had stopped hankering for that exotic concubine, of hers.

And apparently she figured he’d grow to be outrageously hot by the time he was still a toddler. He wasn’t going to whip useful knowledge on running a criminal syndicate out of his ass, either. Of course he needed to ripen, but the absolute control she had over him thrilled her. What were these years of interim, but her chance to prepare her young lover? Get him all cute and seasoned. Get him sweet and obedient.

Jacklyn resigned quite quickly that he had no place, but beneath her.

Given how submissive he was to her from the outset, though, honestly, it barely seemed necessary.

That was Jacklyn’s life. He was still luckier than most. For allowing him to live with the vast privileges he had and keeping him out of death in the gutters, though underscored with frustration, his gratitude for his situation ran deep.

Still, he had fantasies.

Two stupid, recurrent ideals.

In one, he was a prince. The offspring of Asphodelean nobility, with a retinue waiting to accept him back home. The obscurity of his father’s past, which he never divulged, fuelled the fantasy well. Though he knew his father was probably just a dishonourable crook, Jacklyn couldn’t help but romanticise his ties to a land of tradition, nobility, and majesty.

In the other, he was Jayden. Invincible, untouchable, strong enough to do whatever he wanted, powerful enough that nobody would think of pushing him around. Everyone respected him. And he could rock short shorts like woah. His idolization of her had never faded, though it was what she represented, rather than what she did, that transfixed him.

Two dumb power fantasies of an ineffectual boy whose only strength came from nepotism. Baseless, outlandish, no chance of ever happening.

Until the day that that marbled letter came, penned in its gold-leaf calligraphy, stamped in wax with an unfamiliar seal — that of the royal house Asphodel.



An easygoing young man in a fashionable outfit, who snaps every neck in the room with his runway-worthy looks. A confident posture and welcoming smile compliment this natural attractiveness, as does an air of unpretentious humility. Exotic heritage shows in his wavy black hair and sharp purple eyes, while his good fitness, good health, and good grooming show fastidiousness and perhaps wealth.

In all, he’d be the definition of dreamboat — were it not for the flashes of the gang tattoo over his heart; a rose with black thorns.

Raum has since lost his original body and now exists by bodysnatching others. He trends towards attractive young adults, with no preference between male or female, that he keeps similarly well-kept. Often wears occult symbols of the Archon Raum, those usually being eyes or corvids.


A mature young lad with a bad habit of shouldering big responsibilities. Driven by a hunger to help others and see them smile, Raum is that guy who you can trust to do whatever you need, be there when you need it, reliably get the task done, and expect absolutely nothing in return. He’s also that chill, outgoing guy who seems to make friends as easily as breathing, and can flip between funny and sensible in a heartbeat, but doesn’t keep anyone close. The dissonance makes him seem frivolous — the reality is, everything under the hood is a self-sacrificial, submissive, utterly harmless damn mess.

Though far from loud or irrational, Raum’s an extremely emotional person. Frequently shaken by fear, sadness, and anxiety, most of his time goes into finding happy distractions from the things that worry him, but that he can’t fix. (Those distractions, usually, are the things that he ‘can fix’.) Empathetic and selfless, said worries chiefly revolve around the welfare of other people, especially those in dire economic straits, immediate lifethreatening danger, or who face severe social isolation. He is not a talker in this respect, much more preferring to ‘do’. Sentimental perspectives, symbols, and gestures carry a lot of weight for him, and he’s quick to become enamoured and curious about basically everyone he meets.

But, a lot more than he realises, Raum is also manipulative. Prone to make too-good-to-be-true gestures of devotion, and greedy for basic pleasures, he quietly knows how to ‘work people’ by being non-threatening and friendly. His quick tongue and well-honed bargaining skills often tip even hostile strangers into trusting him, listening to him, or leaving him alone, but ultimately Raum intuits others’ buttons quickly, alongside the comfortable level to push them to get what he wants. Fortunately, Raum’s ‘manipulations’ usually manifest as him working with someone to a mutually positive end, or weaselling somebody (often himself) out of trouble. He hates the feeling of exploiting people too much to consciously do it, and equally abhors to inflict any kind of violence or hurt. Everyone deserves to come out a winner in Raum’s book. Expectedly, he’s a big pacifist.

Also expectedly, he’s super forgiving of people who he really shouldn’t be. If the only solution to a conflict is to let someone else use him, Raum will let them. He is idealistic, and prone to optimistic fantasies that often verge on ‘delusional coping’, but not very high-minded or attached to any distinct fields or causes. His focus is instead always local and intimately interpersonal. He struggles massively to commit to jobs or relationships, though he does habitually latch onto dangerous people as his dedicated ‘protector’, who he loves and fears too much to leave and so instead just influences until they’re maybe (maybe) (please? maybe?) a little less mean.

Socially, he’s an extrovert who finds the company of people extremely comfortable and empowering. He’s assertive and frank, but understanding, in-tune, and jokey, a combination that almost grates on the nerves for how charismatic it is and how easily it lets him say anything. He adores people often just as a means to have fun, as he likes cooperating with people, experiencing new people, playing with people, and tagging along to help people on adventures while getting to experience them himself. Chatterbox but somehow not obnoxious. Very grateful for the happiness he experiences by associating with people.

Has not been angry in 400 years.

Bed drowned in pillows.


Archon Immortality: Supplanted Soul

Whenever every body Raum is inhabiting dies, his soul automatically overwrites that of the souled vessel nearest to him at his moment of death. In doing so, he deletes the former owner of the vessel. The ‘souled vessel’ is almost always a human body, so to rephrase in simpler terms, when he dies he steals the body of whoever is physically nearest to him.

Archon Ability: Nominal Shift

Raum can exchange the true name of any living soul with that of any person who exists or has existed. He can also strip a living soul of its name and reapply an already ‘active’ name to multiple living souls. Though these alterations are made at the soul level, they manifest as ‘swapping bodies’, ‘incurring a permanent coma’, and ‘cloning one consciousness across multiple bodies’, respectively. This one takes some explaining so strap in. Soul Anatomy A human being is made of three aspects: the body, the soul, and the name. The ‘name’ is a person’s conceptual ‘essence’, which contains the most fundamental aspects of their identity and personality, as well as their consciousness and higher memory. The kernel of a person, if you would. A body is their body, and the soul is the intermediary that links the ‘name’, a purely metaphysical element, to the body. Humans are the only creatures born with these components, or that have souls and names at all.

Souls remain adhered to the body until death, whereupon the soul detaches. A rare dark magic called soulsmithing can rebind a disconnected soul to a new vessel, which could be anything from a corpse to an animal to an inanimate object, effectively resurrecting the deceased individual into a new body. A ‘living soul’ is a soul so connected to a body, while a ‘dead soul’ is a soul disconnected to any body. The Codex of Names Raum’s brain contains a mental index of all the names that exist or have existed. Similar to a Pokedex, most of the ‘entires’ in this codex are empty, representing individuals whose names Raum does not know, but that automatically ‘fill’ once he learns the name. So, he knows how many names exist/have existed, and what proportion of those he himself knows, but not necessarily what all those names are. Names can never be removed from the codex or unlearned once known.

Equally, he logs a mental image of what a soul’s associated body looks like at a certain timepoint when he personally witnesses it or representations of it, and has an intuitive sense of whether a name is presently linked to a soul or body, whether he knows the name or not. The Nominal Shift Raum can alter what names are attached to what souls. If the name associated to a presently existing soul is one logged in his codex, or there is no name presently associated to a given soul, then Raum can freely make the following alterations upon that soul:

Name Exchanging
Raum swaps the name of an extant soul with a name from his codex. If both individuals were alive at the time of the swap, this manifests as them swapping bodies. If the name of a dead individual is written upon a living soul, this manifests as the dead individual being resurrected in the living individual’s body, replacing the former consciousness.

Raum can exchange a single name into multiple souls. This manifests as one single consciousness receiving the sensory data of multiple different bodies simultaneously, and giving input to multiple different bodies simultaneously, which is too overwhelming for most to manage. Raum himself though can comfortably operate around three bodies at once. (He usually has one ‘main’ body living with Phoenix, one ‘reserve’ body in the Whitewood Manor, and one ‘transient’ body that’s just some rando whose life he’s temporarily hijacking because he’s lonely/bored.)

Name Deletion
Raum strips the soul of its name. This renders the body associated with that soul immediately comatose and braindead, as the consciousness operating the body is gone. The body remains living, however, so the empty soul does not disconnect from it.

Name Appendation
Raum imposes a name from his codex upon an empty soul. This instantly revives the body associated with that soul from its coma, and the consciousness associated to that name occupies the body.

If the name associated to a soul is not in Raum’s codex, that soul is locked to him and he cannot touch it. In simpler terms, if he doesn't know your name, he can't delete you or steal your body. Otherwise there is no limit to how Raum may use this power. Notably, there are no range restrictions.

Caveats This ability comes with some caveats.

Caveat 1: True Names Only
Names do not count as ‘known’ for Raum’s codex unless they are the true, inherent birth name of the subject. Pseudonyms, aliases, titles, assumed names, and given names frustrate Raum’s powers.

Caveat 2: Don’t Mess With Aquila
Phoenix has imposed a mind control command that bars Raum from meddling with Aquila.

Archon Ability: Memory Alteration

Raum can read and alter the memories of anyone he has physically touched. When he makes skin-to-skin contact with an individual, he acquires a running mental log of all their memories, which he can browse detachedly as if skimming a biography, and parse intensively through all sensory modalities, in an instant.

Both the acquisition of the log, and the updating of the log aside the formation of new memories, are automatic effects that Raum cannot deactivate. To read or alter logs, though, does require conscious intention. Logs cannot be removed from Raum’s store by any circumstance, and there is no limitation on the number of logs Raum may hold. Memory Alteration Raum can edit these memory logs in the same way as editing a text file; adding, removing, or changing anything he wants. These changes take instant effect on the mind of the subject, and their semantic knowledge/recollection of events is accordingly altered. Illuminated Eye Since Raum is constantly accruing memories, he is also constantly accruing a ton of raw information. If someone in the world knows something, chances are Raum knows it too. As a side effect of being able to read people’s memories as they’re formed, he can also seem to read people’s minds as they think.

Ordish Heritage

Raum is ethnically Ordish. As such, he has some traits common to all Ordish people.

• He has a perfect sense of direction. He intuitively senses the absolute and relative positions of objects, always knows his cardinal directions, and accurately visualises abstract distances. He can’t get lost or become spatially disoriented.
• He has abnormally high stamina. His body can endure much more physical abuse than expected before it begins shutting down.

Post-ascendancy, these traits only apply when he’s in an Ordish body. He feels disturbed in foreign bodies when he tries to sense a direction and can’t.




That’s his sis. Ain’t she incredible? World’s never seen a bitch what’s as iron-nailed and throat-cuttin’ as her, elseways dedicated. Name all the times she ain’t come when he says ‘help!’, and you ain’t gonna find even one. Aw, yeah, so she gets mean and scary, but there’s just parcel of working in the Thorns. Makes you prickly. Given her money’s what’s Raum was living on, and her efforts’s what kept him outta the same hole, that ain’t something he gonna judge. Hell knows his mushy ass wouldda dropped quick, sides, facing the harshness of Ordanz alone.

…Just wish she couldda mellowed down, after the scenery got less hand-to-mouth. The person under the gang face is one of the strongest, most dependable, and most level-headed the world’s got. So why’s Raum get to escape, while she’s sticking in the pit? She’s the one who made all the damn sacrifices…

Hurts to see it. Gotta get her out…

…Don’t want his sister to be gone…



Who the hell was dealing the cards when this kid got that 2-7o? Raum’s a hair from calling it a thing of principle that he clings so hard to Phoenix, just so the kid can have any damn company, but eh there’s more to it than that. How’s putting it, Phoenix’s sorta how Raum became Raum. Elaborations there? Ehhh, don’t mind it, it’s all confidential.

Anyway, kid himself is touchy, but the stuff he’s made of is good. Lotta smarts and well-meanings that got hard-messed by livin’ too close to politicians. Whole family’s some real sad work. Really, makes Raum drink to think about it. Nicer to get stuck into more of the mundane stuff the kid missed, like fun, and friends, and make sure he’s got dinners and a house that ain’t caving in. Work can get high stress, yeah, but gives Raum a place to chill out a bit, too…



Aw, Aquila. …Augh, Aquila. Here’s the King of Asphodel and guy turns out is bit of a snake. Prolly shoulda figured that ‘round the time he offed Raum’s relatives, huh? Well considering how much Raum owes the guy, it’s hard to keep any hard feelings. Never wouldda left Ordanz, or linked himself back to this branch of his heritage, if Aquila weren’t exactly the venom-blooded tricksy-brained plot-meister that, well, he is.

But the guy does hire shoulder-angels, adores them for being what he ain’t. Raum’s the most recent of these. Don’t feel like Raum does all that much, or that Aquila consults him all super much, but the guy’s factoring now what Raum’ll think into his political plotting. ‘S rounded his corners less edgy. Seems happier for it, too. Crazy gratifying.

He’s just a real good friend. Took some finessing to get into his circle, but now that he’s in he’s waaay in. First time Raum’s ever been treasured so much, or felt so strong, without the whole thing being totally unstable. Aquila knows how to balance him right. ‘Course he’s glad to do whatever he can for the guy.



Well hey there cheers now your grand o'holy Eminence. What’s the bloody occasion?

For all the promises coming outta this guy, there still ain’t much of a track record on ‘follow through’. Says he’s changed a lot though, so begs the big question, ‘from what?’. Would wanna be more in his corner, or ‘least get him rolling toward meeting his word, but hell, he’s… psycho. The quiet kind, too, what don’t broadcast how bloody twisted they are ‘till he’s got your soul jumping into a vat of gold goop. Then guy shrugs like that’s nothing, goes ‘eh.’ Kinda starting to figure he just don’t know what he’s all doing.

Guy fancies he totally do though, so can’t trust even a syllable outta him. Same time, he’s smarter than Raum. Whatever answers Raum’s ever gonna find to his life’s bigger problems, it’s prolly gonna be from Camille. Huge nightmare of a mess to deal with, all-round.


public perception

The pampered son of the don of East Welding. Well-liked local celebrity as he’s a friendly helper around the community, who knows almost everyone and pays his privilege forward, but is too deeply tied to the Thorns for people to associate with him much. Within the Thorns, resented as a spoiled do-gooder who only shows up to meddle the business, then gets away with it because he’s the boss’s kid and you’ll die for touching him.

Infamous for happily performing free labour, spending inordinate amounts of cash over nothing, not caring when you charge him extra, and being an outrageous slut.

Since moving to Asphodel, revered as the nation’s heir. Seen as humble, valorous, and unshakably loyal to the Crown. That he chose to ‘save the nation’ from ‘tyranny’ by ‘enslaving himself’ under Phoenix Valens is the nation’s greatest and most tragic sacrifice, or so goes the official spin. Inherently untrustworthy as a known double-agent, but liked, as his diplomatic work has indeed kept Phoenix from destroying the country. Presence is an unnerving but dependable sign of secret plans in motion.

History in Ordanz is unknown, though those that think about it figure he was born there as a spy.

in fights

Pacifist that hates fighting and violence — becomes viscerally ill around it, traumatically so if committing it. Prefers negotiations and nonviolent solutions 100% of the time, will let himself get beat up if he has to.

That said, naturally competent in fights, and familiar with them, just never shows it off. Rare for things even get to that point before he can reroute or defuse them. Archon powerset is also too busted.


World’s most egregious serial heartbreaker. It’s not even intentional. Lord have mercy.

He used to crush hard and fast, hook up within the week, then let the relationship wither out because it was always just a fling and everyone knew it. Adores being in a relationship, as an outlet to love and support someone intimately, but has a massive fear of commitment and unavoidable hangups about sex, complicated by a healthily functioning sex drive and a desire to feel overt affection in turn. Begins getting physically sick at the thought of staying seriously connected with someone after bedding them.

And now that he’s an Archon, he’s worse. Exploits his powers relentlessly to facilitate hookups, happily roleplays as the perfect dreamboat while reading his partner’s mind, earnestly supports them through their troubles for months, then acts like there’s no foul when he abruptly dumps them and futzes their memory to soften the breakup. Classic Raum repellents include, ‘visit your house’, ‘meet your family’, ‘move in’, ‘child’, ‘fiance’, and ‘marriage’, but he also may have simply got put-off over nothing or crushed again on someone shinier.

No preference between male or female partners, will go for anyone with an intriguingly exciting lifestyle but especially altruistic do-gooder types. Otherwise slants towards rich powerful men, promiscuous but tender young men, dominant but vulnerable women, and exotic humanoid monster-people. Enjoys doomed relationships the most.

Never presents himself as being Raum. He’s larping the whole time.


Ham radio, cyphers, codebreaking, housework, home crafts, and cooking. Finds it calming to clean and organise things. Catch him cleaning already pristine dishes, you know, just cause.

Also enjoys board games, cards, and billiards. Otherwise open to try anything and will probably enjoy it. Gossips a lot; not fond of silence.

misc. trivia

  • Full name is Jacklyn Lethi Whitewood-Blackthorne. Adopted Raum as a pseudonym in Asphodel.
  • Can accurately tell how two people are related by only vague references from one about the other.
  • Adept pickpocket, lip-reader, forger, actor.
  • Can change his handwriting at will, habitually does so every few sentences. Remembers and recognises others’ handwriting at a glance, too. Guy’s full of party tricks, no practical applications here, haha!
  • Has a weird accent that blends Asphodelean and Ordish phonetics. Considers it part of his identity, but can drop it and fluently assume other accents at will.
  • Smokes and drinks, but has tried to kick both habits since moving to Asphodel. Keeps relapsing. Not proud of it. Reyl kicked his guts in when he first dabbled in serious drugs and he never touched them again.
  • Weepy drunk. Big on spritzers. Raum preparing the spritzers.
  • Favourite colours are mint green and purple. Favourite foods are fresh, biting vegetables, like celery and beets.


  • Voice Claim
  • Japanese pronoun is 俺.
  • Pokemon type is Dark/Psychic.
  • Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw.
  • Homestuck classpect is Rogue of Mind; derse dreamer; yellowblood.
  • D&D Alignment is Neutral Good.



Twin Cities
Sep 2020 | R-18 | 36,344 words.
Characters: Raum, Reyl
Warnings: Slur use, general vulgarity, drugs, sex trafficking, violence, child abuse, incestuous ideation

Jacklyn Whitewood brushes closer to the dealings of the Black Thorns than he can stomach. That same day, Jayden Blackthorne glimpses an underbelly to the Black Thorns that even she fears to touch. Peace is ever a rarity in their city of East Welding, rotten from its very heart out.

Set a couple years before their visit to Asphodel.

raum whitewood

human; archon
half-ordish, half-asphodelean
ordanz; asphodel (current)
758 - 778 AD