aquila asphodel


As long as you can go through the motions, a good king and a great king have little distinction, apparently. The reigning King of Asphodel for the past 400 years, Aquila's rule began with him quelling the world's bloodiest war, lifting his nation out of the rubble into riches, and solidifing it as the world's greatest power through incredible technological innovation and even-handed civic policy.

Given that his nation, the United Kingdoms of Asphodel, is a powder keg ever-ready to burst back into war, 400 years of peace is truly a wonderful record. Adored by his people, praised for his wisdom, and too squeaky-clean for his scattered detractors to find even a chink to exploit, there is not a single civilian in this country who would not, of their own will, promote Aquila's place in the role of 'autocrat' forever.

All as planned.

Though humbled by losses and pains in his youth, Aquila's nature has never truly changed from that of a calculating sociopath. Not empathetic, in fact innately sadistic, and focused only on his own interests, rightly ruling a nation feels to him more like a big strategy game. One that he does enjoy playing, but surely would have grown bored of by this point, were there not an inferno in his chest driving him on with wicked passion:

To kill a god, his little brother, and his biggest regret blotting the face of this earth.

you may not understand how little I have, but for blame, and losses.



Aquila is the last legitimate firstborn of Asphodelean royalty. As a crown prince, born in a time of relative peace and decadence, supported by a loving but irresponsible family with questionable choices in friends, it took some traumatic hardships for Aquila to mature from a careless delinquent into the conniving politician he is today.

While others may balk at the responsibilities of princehood, Aquila always adored the privileges of his position and proudly looked forward to succeeding his family. But being fundamentally selfish and unsympathetic towards those outside his immediate circle, he lacked the makings of a fair, just, or even competent ruler.

Unhelpful in his development were his friends, Morgan and Mason Whitewood, the twin sons of Aquila’s godfather. Being heirs to their own princehood in the world of criminal enterprise, they also looked forward to inheriting their father’s mantle, and fancied themselves above the rabble.

Together the trio were punks. They caused trouble, often illegal trouble, then exploited their positions and parents’ support to avoid punishment if caught. Aquila became reckless, careless, and arrogant, and so when an old enemy of his father’s targeted him for assassination, it caught him completely off-guard.

His assailant was a former knight named Toreas of Lacren, wielder of the blade Kingslayer. Kingslayer is an enchanted sword that frustrates magical powers. Though classically used to face witches and ghouls, it would also affect the magical properties inherent in Aquila’s soul, as he and all of his bloodline belonged to a magical strain of yazata. The holy blood of Asphodel, which could purify even a soul of rot, was nothing more than another deviant magic for Kingslayer to pervert.

Aquila suffered barely a scratch, but the poison cut to his core. Kingslayer’s enchantment reversed the purifying properties inherent to his soul, flipping his constitution from one that rejected contamination to one that rejected cleanliness, requiring pollution, disease, and necrosis to live. His body began rotting from inside, but also acclimatized to being rotten as exposure to clean substances started to sicken him.

Aquila was bedridden for over a year as his condition steadily worsened. His parents, agonising for a cure, eventually hired the witch and physician Trivia Venn to examine him. She couldn’t help Aquila, but could ensure his parents’ next child would be male. With Aquila’s prognosis seeming final — death by asphyxiation, as anything but the most toxic fumes became untenable for him to breathe — his parents decided to sire a new heir, the birth of which would mean the death of Aquila’s mother.

The decision was premature, as Aquila’s godfather returned from his months abroad with a cure from Kitiven’s Pontifex. Once administered, Aquila recovered so quickly that the whole thing could’ve been a joke.

Aquila realised the seriousness of his position and immediately became more careful, more responsible, and frankly said more boring. He distanced himself from his friends, who continued to get into trouble he couldn’t afford, and engaged in the dryer, strictly political side of princeship with proper respect for what it meant. After all, if he was going to protect the standards of living of himself and his loved ones, then mastering the most powerful weapon given to him, politics, was not only prudent, but vital.

His mother soon died with Phoenix’s birth, the first of many tragedies to come. In the following decade, Aquila lost three fiancees in succession, lost his sister, briefly lost Phoenix to a kidnapping permitted by his father and conducted by Mason, lost Mason to exile (that Aquila secretly imposed, shh), lost his father to Phoenix’s retaliatory assassination, lost his country to foreign insurgents, and finally lost his life to Phoenix in a moment of panic. When Phoenix resurrected him again many months later, the first thing he witnessed was Phoenix’s execution, with his country in the thick of the worst civil war in history.

With incredible efficiency, Aquila reclaimed the country and ended the war. While cleaning up the aftermath, he realised the stability would only be temporary. The body Phoenix had resurrected him into was infertile and immortal, and without marriage or succession as incentives to keep ambitious aristocrats loyal, it would only take a few decades before someone would try to sideline Aquila into a figurehead. If Aquila was to guide the country as Phoenix wanted, and find means to end the suffering Phoenix now endured as an Archon, then such a thing was unacceptable.

While chaos still provided opportunity, Aquila assassinated many powerful families and elevated the Whitewoods into extremely high positions. As expected, social climbers latched onto the politically inexperienced Whitewoods, which gave Aquila the setup to, once his godfather passed, assassinate them and all their associates in one swoop at the funeral. Then he could mourn the tragedy, establish a power vaccuum, instate a new line of succession to fill it, and monopolize that line with a pawn of his choice. That pawn would be Mason Whitewood.

After all, this wasn’t just about politics. It was also about revenge.

Aquila planned to enslave Mason’s soul with soulsmithing, then torture him as a puppet, moving his soul down the line of succession generation by generation. This sadistic punishment of Phoenix’s old kidnapper was the only thing Aquila, who could not conceive how to break the Archon curse, felt he could do for Phoenix that justified him staying in power. Fortunately, by a turn Aquila could not predict, a better alternative presented itself.

Mason’s son and daughter, Raum and Reyl, had escaped the assassination at the funeral. As they hunted their family’s killer, Aquila discovered their immunity to an aspect of Phoenix’s curse, which enabled them to exist in Phoenix’s vicinity without dying. Gobsmacked, Aquila offered that they become Asphodelean royalty, hoping to install them as caretakers for Phoenix that their company might ease his suffering. Reyl declined the offer, but Raum accepted, and even swore of his own accord to undo the curse on Phoenix.

Though confident in Raum, Aquila struggled to dismiss his old plan for something so uncertain. In the end, Aquila conceded that his love for Phoenix mattered more to him than his lust for revenge, and allowed himself to trust Raum. As they organised Raum’s transfer to Phoenix’s palace, however, Raum himself was killed and inflicted with the Archon curse, though his version of it manifested somewhat more mildly. All the same, that two of his intimates now suffer these curses infuriates Aquila, who cannot wait to strangle the god that’s been inflicting them and vindicate their misery.

Aquila presently focuses on running the country and supporting Raum, who in turn supports Phoenix while heading investigations into breaking the curse.

And though the peace Aquila has fostered does not reflect it—

—These four hundred years of nothing have truly, been a long time.



A pure white silhouette conspicuous from across the room, of an albino young man who exudes an air of calm composure. Though quite short and feminine in his features, his refined gait and gentle poise carry such easy confidence as to effortlessly wrench anyone to his eye level. That smooth effect, indeed so smooth as to pass without comment, is what subtly tells him as a commander.

On closer inspection, what appears to be his skin is actually a dense layer of fine, tiny feathers — which also compose his hair and clothes. Something about his demeanour is peculiar in an implacable way, quickly erased once his accommodating smile and attentive gaze invites whoever he targets them upon to speak.


Chessmaster bastard. Aquila is a Machiavellian concerned with benefiting himself and his ingroup, with no qualms about acting immorally for this aim. Though doting to his intimates, those being his family and inner circle, Aquila lacks any concern for people who offer him nothing and easily discards them like trash. Fortunately, most people have the capacity to offer Aquila at least something, whether it’s a skill, a game, or just conversation. Aquila knows himself capable of moving others to give him their ‘something’ — making their presence not just acceptable, but an asset worth protecting.

As such, he’s a manipulator, though most would call him diplomatic. He offers people fair and reasonable deals when they are cornered, nevermind that the one who engineered that cornering was likely Aquila. Proxies, half-truths, and lies of omission veil the link between him and his plots, as do his incredible long-term patience and skill at concealing his cards, every move calculated for results while stringently keeping a good reputation. Though never hesitating when using backhanded means, he vastly prefers legitimate methods when they can give him equal results. Dirt tends to earn less scrutiny when you’re not tramping it all over the room, after all.

Still, it’s unsurprising to hear that Aquila has dark inclinations. Though not the type to randomly mistreat others, he does find a deep, sadistic pleasure in revenge and enjoys seeing those who contest him punished. His grudges last a lifetime — or longer — and the only goodwill he shows to hated people is a pretence so he can torture them further. His emotional spectrum is sparse, with his most prominently positive feelings being ‘entertained’, ‘ego patted’, and ‘vanity’. Even the people he treasures, he fundamentally regards as that: treasures, valuable for their appeal to him. He’s expectedly a big nepotist, a big cronyist, and swayed by flattery even when he knows it is flattery.

Fortunately, it’s not all black. Aquila is far more cerebral than he is emotional, as well as essentially rational, understanding, and mature. Games of art, politics, power, and warfare stimulate him enough to keep him engaged, and he understands himself enough to know he prefers the stability of luxury, relaxation, and friendly adventure to daredevil-highs and backstabbing among scoundrels. He appreciates honesty, kindness, and selflessness, all traits he feels he lacks, which appear frequently enough in his chosen confidants to keep him feeling accountable. Love and loyalty are the surefire virtues that secure Aquila’s own ironclad devotion. Losing his favour may be a death sentence, but with the gifts and privileges he showers on his favourites, people rarely feel inspired to.

Socially, he’s an extrovert who is personable but discreet. He keeps a calm and courteous persona around those he can’t trust or is still evaluating — meaning, almost everyone — but his genuine self is also quite calm and courteous anyway. Otherwise he keeps himself in good-, if grim- humour and maintains a firm but agreeable attitude, as he’s a fundamentally social guy who likes deep conversation and understands that, more than just flies, honey also tends to win allies. Great at asserting himself and redirecting conversations while still being friendly. For him to ever express genuine unbalance or vulnerability is extraordinarily rare.

Ah, Damocles, how your sword sways. Aquila wouldn’t have it any different.


Unnatural Constitution: Feather Golem

Aquila’s human body died when he was twenty-eight, but his soul was later resurrected into a new body made entirely of feathers. Having originally been the plumage of a monstrous bird, these feathers have supernatural properties, and have altered his constitution immensely. Inorganic Aquila experiences no biological functions. He can’t age, sleep, eat, drink, cry, or so on, which both renders him immortal and prevents him from experiencing material pains and pleasures. His body contains nothing except feathers and blood. Resilience Aquila’s feathers are more robust than steel. They resist heat, water, and magic. They are also pliant, and will shift or scatter easily when met with sufficient force. Consider him about as hardy as a tank. Since Aquila’s soul is bound to these feathers, he will only die if they are destroyed. Amorphousness Aquila can modify the lay of his feathers. He can also scatter and reform himself at will, float, and fly at supernaturally quick speeds. When a feather is displaced from the rest, he can still sense and manipulate it. Think of him more like a mass of individual feathers that happen to be sitting in human shape, rather than a single cohesive form.

He can use this aspect of himself to give himself wings, but he usually doesn’t, it just looks neat for drawing. Overall he prefers not to break the illusion of being totally human. Haemokinesis Aquila can change the arrangement of his blood vessels and bleed at will. This lets him shoot blood across the room, or wherever else. Considering that his blood is pure poison, it is both extremely hazardous and extremely uncouth for him to do this, so he typically doesn’t.

Asphodel Bloodline

Characteristic to the Asphodel royal family, Aquila’s veins run with purifying ichor. A single drop of his blood can completely absolve a soul of rot, and induces peaceful comas in the dead. It doubles as a supernaturally potent venom when ingested by the living. Spiritual drano, essentially.

All souls from this bloodline are immune to rot, and automatically enter coma states when dead. Their bodies are immune to decomposition, nullify poisons and diseases, and reject foreign contaminants. This includes drugs, alcohol, medicines, dyes, inks, dirt, dust, and cosmetics, which are either nullified, or roll off their bodies like water off a raincoat. In Aquila’s case, it’s how his feathers have stayed so white for 400 years.

Though completely mortal and human-bodied, their conceptual fingerprint is closer to a purity elemental than a human, as they are fundamentally magical entities inseparable from these inherent powers. Their magical constitution bleaches their skin and hair to white, and their eyes to red, regardless of genetics. (Aquila, genetically, had light tan skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes).


As a magical strain of Yazata, Aquila is able to soulsmith.

Soulsmithing is the ability to bind loose, dead souls to matter. It is necromancy, allowing Aquila to resurrect the dead in various receptacles. He can afflict those he resurrects with binding geas, psychological warps, and general tampering between their body/soul connection.

Aquila is a proficient soulsmith, and though he’s open to it, he is careful about how he uses the ability, since discovery of him using it would be grounds to kick him off the throne.




Ah, this lingering pustule? The tyrannical atrocities of the Archwitch Valens — a person disowned, Aquila will note — will not fade from the history books by a simple turning of the page. By the memories of his victims that yet remain, and by the immortality that binds him to this earth, his threatening presence regrettably clasps this nation as sternly as the spine holds paper.

Perhaps Aquila’s fixation on a dormant ghost is unseemly, but Aquila too was one of the casualties. In person he did witness the meadows sodden with blood and homesteads burned to ashes, barbarities that Aquila shall not bear repeated. Know too that this paranoiac fancies himself the heir to Asphodel, and should Raum’s claim to that seat not distract him, he shall in reckless delusion swoop to seize a punitive dominion over this continent. Aquila hopes his concerns towards this threat now show their bases with proper transparency.

In spite of this pest, Aquila has upheld Asphodel’s peace for 400 years. So he shall continue to do so, until the sun sets for Phoenix Valens.



Here is a tender and noble heart that Aquila is proud to name heir. The Whitewoods are a family to which the Asphodels have always owed much, and who, through the wiles and intrigues of court, have always maintained steadfast loyalty to the crown. Raum is no exception to his blood. In fact, he is the pinnacle of it, hence it is on his shoulders that Aquila has trusted his most delicate tasks, thoughts, and treasures.

Raum’s is a sensitive soul, however. To balm his stress and sustain his function is Aquila’s role in their friendship, not less owing to the hazardousness of allowing one with the allure and power of Raum in the pocket of anyone else, than for Aquila’s fondness for the man.

Few others can so precisely inspire such faith. Aquila has little else to hold.



Tahah, well, Aquila cannot say that he did not present her an olive branch. Were he steeled with her canny resolve, then perhaps as much as she evaded the hardships Aquila would have placed before her, he could have salted the dirt long before these tragedies germinated. And yet, he cannot envy her lot.

‘Unfortunate’, is perhaps the word for her, if not more upstaged by ‘casualty’. …Of her land’s brutishness, yes, but Aquila questions if her downfall may not have been wrought in combined part, by the intensity with which she guarded her younger brother. Being that she ferried him well enough to reach the stable ground that he did, through the pitilessness of the Ordish ghetto, it seems her efforts as a sibling were fundamentally successful.

Aquila must confess, though. It is much easier to utilise Raum without having to factor her scrutiny.


public perception

Diplomatic persona gives a good first impression, then general discretion and friendliness keeps him liked. Comes off as extremely calm, nonjudgemental, attentive, accommodating, grounded, and equitable. Keeps his shadier dealings secret so as not to damage this persona.

Adored in Asphodel to an almost deific degree, often being regarded as the nation of Asphodel itself. Admired there for his fairness and cleverness especially, but many domestic parties that know him as devious are hungry to backstab him the second he shows a chink of impiousness.

in fights

Regards fighting as a crude form of diplomacy. Owing to that, prefers to reach the ends he wants by diplomacy before anything else, making allegiances and agreements with would-be enemies that typically benefit him more than more than they do his partner. That said, they do still benefit the partner. Uses these people and pits them against each other while he sits pretty and pretends not to be involved.

Good at holding to a diplomatic agreement without backstabbing anyone, also, which makes it even harder to tell when he’s screwing you. Entirely depends on whether he sees more benefit in keeping or betraying an agreement, and has no alternative uses for the parties involved.

When he does fight, has a literal army and two demigods in his pocket. And connections to international spy agencies and assassin rings. And he’s nigh-indestructible, basically magic-proof, quick as the wind, utterly poisonous, has a gun, and can fly. Go for it, I guess.* You’re sure you don’t want to talk? He’s worth more to you alive than dead…

*Just dump a load of wet cement on him (or be a shonen protag).


Only tragedies here! He had three fiances who all either died or didn’t work out. So outrageously unlucky in this regard that Aquila genuinely wonders if he’s cursed or something. Could test the credence of that idea but either way not dating him is probably safest.

He’s had a lot of pressure on him since youth to find a suitor. First pick wound up being infertile, second pick died to disease, third pick died in an accident, then he died before he could find a fourth. His new body is asexual and infertile (and his state of being is unempathisable), so he couldn’t see the point in dating after that and stopped.

Trends towards intelligent but frank and sincere types, especially if they’re just a bit wild. He’s sterile emotionally, and is receptive to coldly diplomatic pairings, but has a habit of falling into 110% loyalty and devotion mode for someone once they’ve shown fondness for him. He’s self-aware about this but also very bad at circumventing it.


Piano, intellectual board games, stumping the nobility, casual gambling. Enjoys presiding over competitions and watching performing artists. Also enjoys huge oversized lasers and big explosions, is one of those ‘majesty for power’ types. Used to be into fencing but swapped out for marksmanship.

Commissions a lot of fine art of himself and his loved ones. Keeps a private menagerie and a ton of valuable trinkets; jewels, mirrors, clocks, combs, but mostly likes having these to give them as gifts.

misc. trivia

  • Full name is Aquila Fidelis Pallas Asphodel.
  • Skilled mortician and registered funeral officiant. One of his main duties as King is to purify and entomb the souls of his citizens in the national crypts, a responsibility he’s serious about. Owing to this, he dislikes necromancy and other perversions of death.
  • Really big on experimental high technology. Heavily shifted Asphodel’s cultural focus from water rackets to technological development, partially because he adores inventive new junk, partially to inch towards building something that might be able to subvert the Demiurge.
  • Has no biological processes. Can’t eat, drink, sleep, breathe, etc. Taught himself to be stupidly good at timing conversation around banquet tables to distract from the fact he’s not eating. Still misses food. And physical sensations in general.
  • Had a messed up puberty thanks to the witchbane poisoning. Growth is stunted, voice is high, and features are androgynous bordering on feminine because of it.
  • Abhors vermin and has weak self control around them. Will excuse himself in the middle peace talks to crush a rat under his heel if he spots one. Doesn’t go out of the way to hunt them down though just if they cross his path it’ll bother him forever.
  • Keeps an extensive collection of mementos for all the major events in his life. Has a big archive of home movies, home audio recordings, and photo albums.
  • Would regularly poison his own meals because he liked the flavour.
  • Can’t eat or drink anymore, but favourite food was nightshade. Favourite colours are white and royal blue.


  • Voice Claim
  • Japanese pronoun is 余.
  • Pokemon type is Fairy/Dark.
  • Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw.
  • Homestuck classpect is Prince of Mind; derse dreamer; indigoblood.
  • D&D Alignment is Neutral Evil.



Sonata, Fidelis
Jun 2018 | G | 1,380 words.
Characters: Phoenix, Aquila

A snapshot of a typical night for the Asphodel siblings. Set sometime before Phoenix's narrative, he's about 10-11 here.

aquila asphodel

yazata; familiar (feather golem)
none; formerly male
none; formerly straight
729 - 756 AD; 757 AD -
