音楽翻訳 | JP -> EN Album Translations



Back on that day, there was a song that she sang, it was her first melody.
Replay and rewind: “This sounds dark, and painful. Have you at all grown up?”

How wonderful! ‘Today’ is a day that is, prickling with my formative melody.
Now hold me close! But also stay unstained? How maddening. Take me? Please right now!

Hidden and softened “It’s so dark, and painful.” Should I just stay on this tone?
Same subject, changed phrasings that freshly bound forth. It takes shape, way too quick, this melody.

How wonderful! ‘Today’ is a day that is, pouring with my affirming melody.
Don’t rob me away! Let me stay here in a dream. To illustrate, I’d say that this is Life.

Back on that day, there was a song that she sang, it was her first melody.
Replay and rewind: “This sounds dark, and painful. Could you please just grow up?”

How wonderful! ‘Today’ is a day that is, prickling with my formative melody.
Just let me sing. Forever, evermore. And if that wish is granted, I’d call it a Miracle!
How wonderful! ‘Today’ is a day that is, pouring with my affirming melody.
How beautiful! But I’m captivated in a dream? How maddening. Take me? Please right now!

Back on that day, there was a song that she sang, it was her first melody…
その時、彼女は歌った はじまりのメロディー

素晴らしい! 「今日」という日は 私を構築する、メロディー
抱きしめて! 染まらないでいて? くるおしい。抱いて? 今すぐ!

又、違った 言葉を拡げる とってもはやすぎたメロディー

素晴らしい! 「今日」という日は 私を肯定する am メロディー
奪わないで! 夢の中にいたい 例えられるとしたら 命

その時、彼女は歌った はじまりのメロディー

素晴らしい! 「今日」という日は 私を構築する、メロディー
素晴らしい! 「今日」という日は 私を肯定しまくる、メロディー
美しい! 夢から醒まさないで? くるおしい。抱いて? 今すぐ!

その時、彼女は歌った はじまりのメロディー